Monday, June 23, 2014


So the good news is I figured out (theoretically) how to put gif files in my blogs.
The bad news is that I'm not wearing any pants


As some of you may know, I am in a school that requires me to know things. Medical things. In lieu of learning about this gif business, here is a gif rendition of life as a med student.

I might break this up into segments because ... not gonna lie... I've been avoiding doing all work and instead just downloading gif's for the last 5hrs. So... hope you like moving images cuz ur gonna see a lot of 'em for the next little while (ie., until I finish my latest comic).

Now... I gotta be honest. In real life I'm really not very funny. Since this blog has seemed to develop regular readers (WOO! SUCCESS OMG QUITTING MY DAY JOB #seriousnotserious), I'm beginning to be made more and more aware of this fact:

So... I'm sorry in advance if none of this is humorous to anyone other than me (and bf... though I'm 62.15% certain most of the time he just is like NO ITS FUNNY IM LAUGHING ON THE INSIDE). 

ALRIGHT. Here we go! 


You start the year off feeling pretty spiffy. Maybe you spent the previous summer doing something awesome like traveling! Maybe you spent it doing something useful, like research! Either way, you feel like a baller and s'all good. You're all like PTTH STEP ASIDE IM AMAZEBALLS:

You head into that class as a SECOND YEAR (the last of your PRECLERKSHIP!) with all these wondrous ideas about picking your clerkship rotations, being an all-star student, and maybe doing like FIVE specialties cuz, really, whats stopping you!? You're basically a God among mortals:

But swiftly after first semester, Neurology (and all its 5-syllable terminology) comes along and kicks you right in the ear and you're like, well fuck:

....So you knock that off the list of choices for future careers. 

But then something that you're unnervingly good at like psychiatry comes along and you're like HOLY SHAT I AM SUPER AWESOMETASTIC! < self-esteem redeemed >:

Luckily, Christmas break hits around then and you're left feeling smug and satisfied with yourself for another 10 days or so. But then... Winter semester comes and much like the lords of Winterfell, you genuinely thought you were gonna be SUCH PREPARE for dat buizznazz.... but no matter how ready you think you are... you ain't. Hobag. 

Then the first round of OSCE's show up like a ton of bricks:

Right around that time Pediatrics is all like OH HAI REMEMBER ALL DEM MULTIPLE CHOICE YOUVE DONE FOR THE LAST 2YRS!? NOPE.

Basically the only thing that gets you through every day/night/second are imaging how wonderful spring break will be...

And wine. 

A lot of wine.

All day errry-day.


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