The following are a quick introduction to the many wonders that is my dog and all her capabilities.
But before you get jealous....just remember: every dog is different. So please do not feel discouraged if your dog is not as awesome as mine.
But before you get jealous....just remember: every dog is different. So please do not feel discouraged if your dog is not as awesome as mine.
Talent #1: Morning SnugglesIt took a little while (ie: months), but now that Indie and I have figured out each other’s likes and dislikes, we’ve got a good system of cuddles going. This is my absolute favorite part of having a puppy, and by far outweighs the need to clean up a small furry species’ poop several times a day.
Sure, we have our disagreements (ex., horizontal and sprawled across the bed is not an acceptable lying method, nor is jabbing paw-talons into anyone’s back throughout the night, or even the occasional pee on my pillow), but overall we’re a team and that’s all that matters
Sure, we have our disagreements (ex., horizontal and sprawled across the bed is not an acceptable lying method, nor is jabbing paw-talons into anyone’s back throughout the night, or even the occasional pee on my pillow), but overall we’re a team and that’s all that matters
Talent #2: The Successful SelfieIndie knows exactly when and how to pose, and she always shows her best side. We’re still working on the whole “stop moving for longer than 2 picoseconds” thing… but… it’s work in progress!
Talent #3: Setting the MoodBecause nothing says “time to get down to business” with a special someone like a furry big-eyed creature sneaking up on you and staring you right in the eye, unblinking, before attacking you with some kind of neck-fight akin to what I imagine giraffes must do. Marvin Gaye and Sade ain’t got nothin’ on an adolescent italian greyhound.
And if you’re not in the mood for her company, she takes it upon herself to renovate the carpet when you lock her out of the bedroom. Thanks for the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Indie (see: Talent #4: interior design)
And if you’re not in the mood for her company, she takes it upon herself to renovate the carpet when you lock her out of the bedroom. Thanks for the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Indie (see: Talent #4: interior design)
Talent #4: Interior DesignI can honestly say I never would have thought to rearrange my fake palm tree such that is it sprawled across the living room floor, nor would I have considered the vast array of advantages that comes with having the inside of a loveseat out for the world to see… but that’s where Indie greatly surpasses my talents at interior design. We haven’t tried the House MD dvd yet, but I’m sure the teeth marks will make it work twice as well as it did unscathed.
Talent #5: Locating Exactly ONE ShoeFor those days when only one of your feet is cold and the other can go fuck itself
Talent #6: Backyard Worm-HuntingI tried to time her today (not even kidding), and I couldn’t even get the timer out in time before she caught a half-frozen worm. My girl is a wild animal, true and true.
Talent #7: Weather PredictionsIndie can tell with 99% certainty that it is shitty out and therefore all peeing will occur on the carpet
Talent #8: Settling DisagreementsDue to the sensitive nature of this topic, I took it upon myself to draw cartoons of said heated discussion, rather than take pictures during any arguments with significant other. I think they do the job quite nicely.
Talent #9: Tecknologie
“Oh, I’m sorry… were you using this? Would you like my help in your facebooking?”
“Oh, I’m sorry… were you using this? Would you like my help in your facebooking?”
......OR IS IT?!?!!?
....yes. yes it is.
-Dr. A.
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