Sunday, June 15, 2014

Secret Thoughts of Inanimate Objects

Long long ago, I was bored and studying in the library (pre Indie times) and I came across this Hi-Larious list of inanimate objects with deep philosophical thoughts:

Perhaps it was the sleep and/or nutritional depravity, or maybe it was the company at the time who knows... but anyway those little buggers were THE funnah. 

So... I wanted to contribute my own few pics I've taken around life here in Canada (which is on earth! which is in canada...) and MAYBE they'll entertain you too! Here's ten of the best inanimate-objects-with-faces that I could find in my iPhoto. Hope they make your night or at least make you smirk a little and maybe even take a few pix of your own and post them in the comments below!!! :)


1. This caution sign just CANT get past last weeks episode of Game of Thrones. He just can NOT talk about that fight ... don't EVEN.

2. This dresser can't WAIT for you to leave so it can talk to the mirror in detail about last night... a little pillow talk of their own, maybe?

3. This BBQ has seen some shit. Some seriously dark and charry shit.

4.  This car will bring you to where you want to go today, but the steering wheel is VERY disappointed in your choice of company.

5. This clock-with-wheels has been working up the courage to ask that curling iron out for dinner but, I mean, ever since it switched from 1" barrel to 1/2" its just been so arrogant - who even KNOWS if they're compatible anymore?

6. The hat (it's a hat, right?) is thinking back to the good old days when creatures like it would be found only in mario games and other such awesome lives.

7. I don't even know about this candy apple...but its probably a few sprinkles short of a dessert party, ifuknowwhatimsayin'.....

8. This electrical box has a shocking secret it heard through the grape vine and can't WAIT to tell all the other electrical appliances about it!

9. This Mykonos brick fixture has had it up to HERE with the speeding ATV's on the street - kids these days have no respect for the rules! 

10. The cheese knife to the far right of the box is smiling in smug satisfaction about its joke it just made concerning "who cut the cheese". The other ones are just laughing to be polite. Lame, cheese knife number four. Lame. 

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