Sunday, May 25, 2014

Thanks, Brain.

Hello internet.

I don't know why but I'm so sweet jesus bored today.

I'm supposed to be studying but ...

I painted for a while but that was impeded by my dog putting her face in my way every 2 seconds...

To appease the uncomfortable sensation my brain has been giving me about not posting anything for almost a week..... here is something I drew earlier before yoga to explain what happened to me a few days ago...

I don't know why I feel the need to update this blog/comic thing during the interim of waiting for my drawing tablet to show up (come on Amazon, you're droppin' the ball here!) ... but anyway... here we are so... here is a cartoon! wheeeeeee

I am a dream boat in the morning.

...and my brain perpetually looks like it's in the thick of alcoholic delirium tremors... but whatev.

Right in the face/open mouth.
Thanks, brain - ready to face the day!

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