Monday, December 8, 2014

A Hospital Comic and random list

I'm sitting in the library waiting for my impending review of my first half of obstetrics/gyne. 
I won't bore you with the details of my schooling right this second
But I will bore you with my musings!
Anyone who knows me will know I (almost always) have HORRIBLE taste in men (not Jon though - he's divine). So I wanted to share some of my wisdom with you on how to make sure you avoid the crazies because I don't care how funny he is, if he's bat shit cray girl you need to kick him outtttt)

This may become a video some day who knows.

15 Ways to Tell a Guy is Bat Shit Crazy
1. Your first instinct is "holy shit this guy is a fucking idiot (in a bad way)"
2. He thinks dogs are stupid
3. He tells you how to dress (and what not to wear - as if a guy has any idea how hard you looked for that shirt in the first place~!)
4. Every time you picture your life with him not in it it seems WAY easier and simpler (maybe not happier but happiness fades when the fun wears off)
5. He expresses his affection for you by punching a hole in the wall in a fit of inexplicable anger while you guys are just hanging out watching tv
6. He's a fully grown adult and still tries to convince you to do E (Its called maturity bucko)
7. He smells bad ALL the time
8. He thinks he's better than everyone
9. He hates people who are different (ex., hates gay people, black people, jewish people, etc)
10. He introduces himself originally by saying "I'm not interested in you, but youre hot so lets have sex but dont tell anyone" (....and is serious)
11. He moves into your house... uninvited... for no reason....unannounced.... after dating for like 2 weeks.
12. He shows up at your house in the middle of the night on a tuesday wearing full ice hockey gear and reeking of booze (and isn't a hockey player... wtf)
13. You wake up some morning and he's just in your room staring at you and he says "your door was unlocked - you're cute when you sleep"
14. He spend 94.2% of his day blabbing on about his ex and how he doesn't miss her at all (yeah right ... It's called a bridge - build one and get over it)
15. He asks you to pick him up from somewhere reasonable but as you're driving to get him you find him walking down the busiest street in your city alone in the rain without a coat and when you stop your car to let him in he starts screaming at you from outside the car about how you're too clingy.

This blog post has nothing to do with bf because he is none of the above.

But it does have to do with me thinking about all the people I've met over the years and how retarded the majority of boys are.
Next time you be saying BITCHES BE CRAY you stand back and contemplate your own cray first, yo.

DR -A. - relationship extraordinaire lol